pregnancy multivitamins

What are multivitamin for pregnancy?

Multivitamin for pregnancy contain many vitamins and minerals important for the mom and the baby. Folic acid, calcium, iron and iodine are especially important.

Which vitamins and minerals are most important and why?

The three most important nutrients, based on very good research, are folic acid, iron and calcium.

1- Folic acid:

Folic acid helps prevent neural tube birth defects, which affect the brain and spinal cord. Neural tube defects develop in the first 28 days after conception, before many women know they are pregnant. Because about half of all pregnancies are unplanned, it's recommended that any woman who could get pregnant take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily, starting before conception and continuing for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. A woman who has already had a baby with a neural tube defect should talk to her health care provider about whether she might need folic acid supplements and discuss their dose. Studies have shown that taking a larger dose (up to 4,000 micrograms) at least one month before and during the first trimester may be beneficial for those women, but check with your doctor first. 

How much folic acid and vitamin D do I need?
Your recommended dose of folic acid is 400 micrograms (mcg) a day during the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. Taking folic acid lowers the risk of your baby developing a defect in his spinal cord. Foods containing folic acid: include green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, citrus fruits, and many foods which have been fortified with folic acid. Even so, it's a good idea to take a supplement with the right amount of folic acid as a backup. 

For more information see folic acid or folate?

2- Iron:

Iron is important for the delivery of oxygen to the baby and prevents anemia in the mom. Iron is particularly important during pregnancy because it helps the blood carry oxygen around the body. And the amount of blood in the body is increasing all the time to support growing baby. we'll find that nearly all pregnancy multivitamins contain iron. However, you don't need to take a separate iron supplement unless told to by your midwife.There are many forms of iron, the best one is iron Bisglycinate which is safer and more effective than the other form of iron. There is also no negative side effect such as bleeding or gastric abscess.

For more information about iron amino acid chelate

3- Calcium:

Calcium is also important for a pregnant woman. It can help prevent her from losing her own bone density as the baby uses calcium for its own bone growth (It helps your baby to grow strong teeth and bones).

For more information about calcium and vitamin D see CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D

4- Iodine:

Iodine is critical for a woman’s healthy thyroid function during pregnancy. A deficiency in iodine can cause stunted physical growth, severe mental disability, and deafness. Not enough iodine can lead to miscarriage and stillbirth.

5- multivitamin pregnancy contains also: vitamin B6, B12, vitamin C, E and Zinc

When should I begin taking a prenatal vitamin? 

Start three months before you begin trying to get pregnant, if possible. "The egg starts maturing about three months before it's released, and it's critical that the proper nutrients are present during the earliest stages"Neural-tube defects [such as spina bifida]happen in the first four to six weeks of pregnancy. If you think you're pregnant and are not taking a supplement, don't wait until your first appointment for a prescription because you will have missed this crucial developmental period. Start taking an over-the-counter folic acid supplement with 600 micrograms right away. 

Multivitamin is important in: Pre-conception: It helps support fertility, reduce tiredness and fatigue due to iron deficiency. It contains vitamin B complex to support energy. During pregnancy: Helps prevent neural tube defect and iron and calcium deficiency. During breastfeeding: Support energy and it is a dietary support for mom and baby.

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